The Voice of the Martyrs and Churchill Meadows Christian Church presents

Saturday, May 25, 2013
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Churchill Meadows Christian Church
7755 Tenth Line W.
Mississauga, ON L5N 0C4
The purpose of the Kingdom Roots Women's Conference is two-fold: to bless the persecuted Church, and to mentor women in growing through adversity. For many of the women attending this conference, the idea of persecution will be new. For some of our long-time supporters, persecution is the reason your knees have been well worn in prayer. No matter where your familiarity lies, this conference promises to meet you where you’re at, and provide an opportunity to bless women both locally and worldwide.
The proceeds will be divided between The Interim Place, a local shelter for abused women and children; and The Underground Church Fund, providing assistance and encouragement to believers in severely restricted areas. Jesus announced these timely words in Matthew 13:21:
“...but since they have no root, they last only a short time.
When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.”
The conference name, "Kingdom Roots," is born out of this passage. The Lord is directing us to create a conference where women of all levels of Christian maturity can grow.
One thing that becomes obvious in the presence of the persecuted is their remarkable joy. There is an unearthly joy that fills those who have experienced God’s nearness in the furnace of great trials. Many have remarked that it is through moments of laughter they are able to cope with the pain and struggle. With this in mind, we are blessed to have Wendy Farha with us. Wendy is a Montreal-based comedian who has learned the joy of walking through the fire with our Saviour. Wendy will begin our day with laughter as she leads us into more intimate moments and prepares our hearts to receive the message of the persecuted.
The testimony of Haik Hovsepian speaks profoundly on the DVD, A Cry from Iran. Haik was martyred for his faith in Christ. His wife, Takoosh Hovsepian, carries on the ministry of spreading the Good News by sharing how the Lord has brought her through the violent loss of her husband.
Takoosh will be candidly sharing in one of our featured workshops and also in the main auditorium during the afternoon session.
Daphne BevAqua, whose voice is presently featured on many Canadian Christian radio stations, will lead us in worship. Julie Bonany, a home-schooling mother of three and women’s ministry leader of 10 years, will bless us with her delightful balance of wisdom and humour. And, of course, VOM’s very own Ingrid Hajen will present two workshops, taking us through a special time of prayer for the persecuted.
Ladies, please invite your friends and family for a day you won’t soon forget: May 25th at the Churchill Meadows Christian Church in Mississauga.
Faithfully in Christ,
Vanessa Brobbel
Kingdom Roots Women’s Conference Coordinator
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada
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